Bio: Liz McGrath

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Influenced by Roman Catholic iconographic art, punk rock, Erte and Edward Gorey, Hollywood native Elizabeth McGrath is one of her generation's most unique and prolific artists. Her strict religious upbringing fueled her first artistic ventures: angry punk rock fliers, her own punk band Tongue, and the conception of her fanzine, Censor This. Her career took off from there leading her towards many artistic avenues. Upon first viewing, McGrath’s mummified creatures are gothic oddities, but their undeniable artistry immediately draws you in, revealing their touching curiosities, transforming their grotesqueness into tortured beauty. McGrath’s dioramas are isolated freak shows displaying rotting, subhuman figures luxuriously dressed for your pleasure or contempt. Her paintings are luscious, dreamy haunted whispers of paint, depicting subtly dangerous creatures that creep toward the edge of the canvas. And her stitched and bandaged dolls and toys are a united army of soft strangeness.


Vicious Delicious and Ambitious: Ladies of Lowbrow Art,
by Sherri Cullison, published by Schiffer


La Alternative Press, LA paper, June 9-24th 2004
Visions, American Visionary Art Museum Catalog Vol/8 High on Life
Paper, Magazine, May 2004
City Pages, Minneapolis newspaper, April 2004
Metro Times, Detroit newspaper, March 2004
Real Detroit, Detroit newspaper, March 2004
Juxtapoz, Magazine, Jan/Feb 2004
The Face, Magazine, (London) December 2003
Paper, Magazine, December 2003
New Wave, no 6 (France), November 2003
Anthem, Magazine, September 2003
CSNA, Magazine, September 2003
Jointz, Magazine, June 2003
Skratch, April 2003
Destroy All Monthly Magazine, February 2003
Gothic Lolita Vol. 6 (Japan)
Swag Vol 1 2003
LA Weekly, January 31, 2003
LA Times, Janury 30, 2003
LA Weekly, January 2, 2003
Cthulhu Sex, Vol 2 2003
Chaotic Order, #14 (London) December 2002
Baltimore Sun, Newspaper, October 9, 2002
Baracuda Magazine, January 2002
Tear, Magazine, 2001
Lowdown, Magazine, (Germany), May 2001
Juxtapoz, Magazine, Jan/Feb 2001
Taste Like Chicken, April 2001
Skratch, Magazine, August 2001
Burnout, Magazine, (Japan) 2000
Downtown News, December 2000
Glue, Magazine, 2000
City Link, Hollywood Florida, March 1-7, 2000
Fizz Magazine, 1994


Get Underground, October 29 2002