Bio: Nathan Spoor

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Nathan Spoor

In the Beginning:
Dallas, TX, 1974

Los Angeles, CA

Education & Extended Studio Credits:
ACU (Split Emphasis BFA: Painting and Graphic Design, Minor: Drawing)
SCAD (MFA Program: Painting) / UNT SOVA (MFA Program:Painting & Drawing)

Welcome to the first part of The Intimate Parade... Discovery.

So far, this project and concept of work is about a year and a half in the making and is finally able to be seen cresting the halfway mark. Check back often to view the updated and ever-growing collection of works that will eventually be the first installment of The Intimate Parade, a faithful and intricate study of growth, of life, style, technique and the introduction of a new realization of visual poetic narrative.

The stories that you are about to "read" are indeed true. Though an entire cast of facts was present for the accounting, the stories remain true only to their individual character and purpose.

I remain faithfully yours, a student of consequence, loose in the loving arms of the Imaginarium,
