886 Geary Street · San Francisco, CA
Open Tues - Sat 12PM - 7PM

EAC One Day Show @ The Shooting Gallery

The EAC, Emerging Artists Collective, is having a one day only show at The Shooting Gallery tonight from 7-11PM.  Artwork from over thirty artists will be on display to benefit the EAC and their mission along with a few murals by D Young V and John Felix Arnold III .  Be sure to stop by tonight to party and support the arts!

Artwork by Hugh Leeman, Jesse Hazelip, Richard Colman, Mike Shine, Steve MacDonald, Aaron Lawrence, Matt Miller, Blackstock, Tandy Kunkle, Thomas Landerman, Rex Waters, Doug Fortin, Jessica Dean Harrison, John Felix Arnold III, Jason Story, Kathrin Feser, Jeremy Novy & more…


“In a city where community, neighborhoods, culture, and love are top priority the potential for creativity is endless. San Francisco is filled with artists from all walks of life and teaming with a population of dreams. In the fine art world this sense of community and sharing can be stunted by the commercialization of art through galleries. Everyone should have the opportunity to express themselves and have the chance to share their experiences with others. This is the reason why we have started the E.A.C. (Emerging Artists Collective) We want to create a multi-use warehouse for all artists to use for whatever their creative endeavors may be. We want to break down the walls of exclusivity and connect artists through cooperation and ideas rather than money and collectors. This isn’t a statement against established galleries but simply another option for artists to become exposed to a greater sense of connection with the city they love and live in.”

For more information on the EAC visit their website at www.eacollectivesf.com


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