886 Geary Street · San Francisco, CA
Open Tues - Sat 12PM - 7PM

Using classical imagery as a platform, Bayly discusses concepts of nostalgia, humor, and American values. By painting the everyday into the classical format, the common becomes elevated and it allows contemporary language to be part of the historical narrative. It borrows reverence and returns context. 

Helens process begins with slowly building up the painting layer by layer, attempting to capture a classical technique to depict her imagery. The still life bouquets and female nudes alike are then carefully defaced with gold leaf text or brightly colored pattern.  This brings into question Helens relationship to the background, an homage to a classical detection of beauty or something that's part of a greater conversation. 

Helen Bayly : Bigger, Tougher, Faster

Bigger, Tougher, Faster
acrylic and gold leaf on canvas, 42x60in
Click to inquire for details.
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