886 Geary Street · San Francisco, CA
Open Tues - Sat 12PM - 7PM

Our inventory includes works from represented artists and past shows. This page features works by the following artists:

John Felix Arnold III
Anthony Ausgang
Erik Bailey
Gary Baseman
Tim Biskup
Matthew Bone
Brock Brake
Andrew Brandou
Laura Brink
Clayton Brothers
Victor Castillo
Cope 2
Aaron Cruse
Ashley Fundora
Rene Gagnon

Helen Garber
David Marc Grant
Joseph Grazi
Maya Hayuk
KeFe (Ferris Plock and Kelly Tunstall)
Justin Kerson
Inventory (A-K) : KeFe (Ferris Plock and Kelly Tunstall)

KeFe (Ferris Plock and Kelly Tunstall)
Acrylic on panel, 72"x80"
Click to inquire for details.
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