886 Geary Street · San Francisco, CA
Open Tues - Sat 12PM - 7PM

Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

August 9 - September 1, 2025
Featuring 10 large sculptures, 4-5 paintings and around 30 smaller sculptures, Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda displays an impressive range of the artist’s work. The evolution of desire through consumerism is explored with a helping of humor in the large-scale works, where taxidermy animals have their antlers sculpted into replica weaponry or corporate logos, and are often gold plated. In many of the sculptures the majestic beauty of the animals stands at odds with the cold, sharp-edged beauty of glittering metal, but other works strike a softer chord. In one example, an African Cape Eland has been given antlers that transform into a white candelabra. Although there is an underlying threat of violence in the placement of massive artillery shells where candles are expected, the sculpture still recalls the serene lighting of a church and can be viewed as peaceful or melancholic depending on mood.
Peter Gronquist : View 4
Peter Gronquist
View 4 Sold
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